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Redlands Coast Island Works Funded Under Stimulus Package

Story: Redlands City Council
Published On : Aug 02, 2021
Redlands Coast island works funded under stimulus package
Macleay and Russell islands residents are getting a smoother run and a fun park refresh thanks to two works programs funded by a COVID-19 recovery stimulus package.

Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said road green-sealing work on the islands and a renewal of the Jackson Oval Park play space on Russell Island had been funded under the second phase of the Australian Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program.

This Australian Government stimulus funding is over and above Council's own stimulus spending program, Cr Williams said.

The latest round of Redlands Coast-based projects approved under the second phase includes $621,500 for road green sealing on Macleay and Russell islands.

This work involves using a two-coat bitumen seal to suppress and manage dust and prevent the environmental impact of gravel loss from unsealed roads on the islands.

It will also improve stormwater management by reshaping roadside drains. Work is scheduled to continue to run through into November, weather permitting.

Division 5 Councillor Mark Edwards said the second island project funded under the LRCI program was a $214,000 renovation of the Jackson Oval Park play node on Russell Island.

The existing play equipment at Jackson Oval had reached the end of its usable life, so I am delighted to see the renewed play facilities for residents and visitors as well as the sporting groups that use the site, he said.

The park renewal and the green-sealing are part of more than $5 million being invested in Redlands Coast community infrastructure under the funding.

The Australian Government's LRCI program supports local councils to deliver priority projects while supporting jobs and the resilience of local economies to help communities bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Australian Government has committed $5.3 million to works in Redlands City under the LRCI Program Phase 2.