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Keep An Eye Out For Koalas On The Move Around The Redlands

Story: Redland City Council Press Release
Published On : Jun 24, 2022
Keep an eye out for koalas on the move around the Redlands
The annual movement of young koalas is underway around Redlands Coast with residents and motorists reminded to keep a close watch for them.

Redland City Mayor Karen Williams urged locals to be on the lookout over the coming months for young marsupials and help keep them safe during their journeys.

“We all have a part to play in helping to preserve our precious koala population. At night, motorists should slow down in areas where koalas are known to move through; and residents should ensure their dogs are restrained,” Cr Williams said.

Koala dispersal in Redlands Coast occurs between now and late July, but can extend into the koala breeding season which is between August and December.

“Council has a longstanding commitment to protecting koalas on Redlands Coast and we know that a collaborative and concerted effort across the community is the key to conserving our vital koala population,” Cr Williams said.

“In good news, our community awareness campaign which involved putting up 15 ‘smart signs’ over the past four years throughout Ormiston, Thornlands and Birkdale, has been successful with the number of koalas struck and killed by vehicles being reduced significantly.”

How you can help young koalas on the move:

Let them continue on their way without interference, as long as they are not in immediate danger, as your ‘help’ can confuse them and lead to unexpected danger.

Create a koala-friendly backyard by confining or restraining your dogs at night, putting a wooden pole or ladder against your fence so they can continue on through, and a floating water aid in your pool so they can climb out if they fall in.

When driving, slow down and be alert to wildlife movement on the sides of the road.
If you are worried about the health or welfare of any koala, phone the Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service on 3833 4031.

Join the Redlands Coast Koala Watch community online and record your koala sightings to help improve the health and wellbeing of our local koala population.

For more information on local koalas, including how to spot a sick or injured koala, visit Council’s koala webpage.

(Clarification: This article relates to the Redlands City Council region. There are no Koalas residing on Russell Island).